Friday, February 25, 2011

Two great articles on the concept of "cheating"

Good Morning! The challenge starts TUESDAY!!!! Are you ready?
 I have been asked about "cheating" (in regards to your diet) many times. I have always kind of gone back and forth on the subject, but have never really implemented a "cheat day" myself. After reading the articles I have linked below, I kind of have a new take on it. I think the author of this article makes some really great points about "cheating" to keep you sane on a healthy diet. We do crave things that taste good, and in moderation, those things are fine. She suggests sprinkling small "cheats" throughout the week, instead of taking one day and going to town. Very smart. Anyways, check out these two articles, there is a part I and II. Read both. In regards to our challenge, however,  "cheating" with sugar or flour is not recommended. :) And, as I said in my last post, I will post the guidelines for this challenge soon!

This website ( is quickly becoming one of my favorites, due to it's sound nutritional guidance, no-nonsense advice and emphasis on WHOLE foods. (not the store) So, check it out....and have a great day!


  1. Thank you for this post, Susannah! I have been trying a cheat meal where I eat everything I've been craving in one sitting and then I spend the next three days trying to get rid of the lethargy. This way seems so much smarter!

  2. I agree with the cheating thing. I am excited to do the challenge....without cheating though. What good is a challenge if you don't do it completely?

  3. ok, a little clarification....this is just a general post, there is no cheating allowed on the challenge!!!!
