Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"if I don't get in a workout, I might die" ~7 minute at home workout!

I know this time of year (winter) is hard on some of us moms. Kids get sick, rendering some of us housebound.  Well, there's no reason you can't squeeze in a quick bodyweight workout in between all the other things you have going on. Even if you only have 7 minutes at a time, do this quick workout, then find 7 minutes two more times during the day. So, you can fit in 21 minutes of intense exercise, without leaving the house, leaving your sanity in tact.

7 Minute Circuit

each exercise is one minute long, switch to the next one immediately after the first one, and continue for the full 7 minutes. repeat two more times. (at some point during the day)

1. bodyweight squats, FAST
2. burpees
3. counter or floor (on your knees~keep your butt DOWN) pushups
4. high knees
5. sumo bodyweight squats, FAST
6. bicycle crunches
7. plank

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