Saturday, January 29, 2011

An assignment and a recipe

Happy Saturday to everyone! If you were lucky enough to workout with me this morning (ha ha), you got to taste one of my cookie creations! If you didn't, let me catch you up......I am sure you are aware of the dangers of white sugar and white flour. Well, any sugar and flour for that matter....but anyways, my son came home from school yesterday with a bright green Laffy Taffy he had "earned" for doing his homework. He asked if he could have it, and I cringed....I just do NOT feel ok with my child eating a bright green piece of something that could pull out, get stuck in, or rot his teeth. So, I told him that if he could wait a bit, I would make cookies, and he could have one of those instead. He agreed to that.
So, a little later, I started experimenting. I wanted to create something that didn't have sugar or flour but, of course, still tasted good. This is what I came up with:  (they are amazing...)

Banana~Coconut "Cookies"

1 banana
1/3 c. coconut butter (available at Whole Foods, or you can make your own~see below)
4 pitted dates
1 egg
1-2 t. vanilla

1 c. (maybe a little bit more) almond meal (available at Trader Joe's)
1/2-3/4 c. shredded, unsweetened coconut (see below)
1 t. baking powder
cinnamon (optional)

cream first 5 ingredients together in a food processor, dump out into a bowl and add the dry indredients.
mix well, then "roll" into balls or scoop out with a spoon onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or other non-stick coating.  bake at 375 degrees for about 10-12 minutes....keep an eye on them, when they are light golden brown, they are done. makes about 12 or so, depending on how big you make them.

*A note about coconut*
Coconut was thought to be "bad" because of it's high saturated fat content. Recent findings are that it is actually a "superfood" full of good fat, essential amino acids, protein and fiber. I buy coconut bulk at Whole Foods or Fred Meyer. We go through a lot of it. And coconut butter is available at Whole Foods or you can make it by putting several cups of dried coconut in a food processor and processing for 10 minutes. If you have any questions, you can totally ask me.

And now, an assignment:
IF you are one of my clients, or are interested in health in ANY way, there is a movie I would LOVE for you to watch. It's available instantly on NETFLIX in the documentary section. Food Matters is the name of this amazing movie. I HIGHLY recommend you watch it to see how the food we eat affects our health. And how the medical community is NOT interested in our health in any ways. And how doctors are not educated in nutrition, and how they just prescribe drugs to "band-aid" the problem, not getting to the root cause. Anyways, enough of my's really an amazingly eye-opening movie. Let me know what you think! Have a great weekend!

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